Technically Specified Rubber
is also known as Block Rubber. It can be produced from both field latex and field coagulum of NR (cuplump) or a blend of both. Block Rubber is graded accordingly to precise technical parametres such as content of Dirt , Ash , Nitrogen, Volatile matter and its properties such as Wallace Plasticity (PO) and Plasticity Retention Index (PRI). It has good processing characteristics and physical properties. Our group factories are qualified under the major TSR schemes including Standard Thai Rubber (STR), Standard Indonesian Rubber (SIR), Standard Malaysian Rubber (SMR) and Standard Vietnamese Rubber (SVR).

Standard Thai Rubber- STR 10
- STR 20
- Mixture Rubber

Standard Indonesia Rubber- SIR 10
- SIR 20
- Mixture Rubber

Standard Malaysia Rubber- SMR 10
- SMR 20
- SMR 10 CV
- Mixture Rubber